Farm with 1200 ha in Mato Grosso, suitable for cattle and agriculture
Cattle Farm Mato Grosso: 1200 ha, suitable for crops and livestock, several mineral water sources, high development potential, 350 ha pasture
General Description and Characteristics:
The farm is located in the Municipality of São José do Rio Claro, in the Brazilian state of Mato Grosso. It is located 21 km from the city centre.
It is about 350 km from Cuiabá (new asphalt road access), northbound, near Diamantino / São José do Rio Claro.
– 1,200 hectares of mixed land: 350 hectares in Pasture with external fence and partitions, further 350 hectares semi clean, easy to form pasture
and 500 hectares of Native Forest. The land in general is suited for Livestock and Agriculture.
– Fences and Divisions in Palanques / Peroba splinters and Smooth Wire.
– Storage in Metallic Structure measuring 30 x 10 m with high ceilings for keeping of tractors and machinery.
– New Stable
– Complete Electricity Installation
– Caretaker’s House with attached Apartment + Office + Laundry + Outdoor kitchen with Barbecue.
– Dam near the headquarters with water source and Orchard
– Mineral Water Source/Spring near the headquarters with a large volume of water throughout the year. A chemical-physical analysis test has already been carried out, with a test result indicating high purity
– There are additional water sources, like the Lagoa Rasa River (medium-sized river) with elevated fishing potential
– The farm can be accessed by a 21 km non-asphalted road
– In General it is a prosperous region of the Midwest, being a pole in the planting of soy, corn, cotton and very strong tradition in livestock. There are also several storages and warehouses in the region.
Further Considerations:
All documentation up to date and available (certidoes, CCIR, completely georeferenced).
Detailed information about the agricultural sector in Brazil, analysis and literature you can find here.
Additional Information about the Region and Surroundings:
- Official and Municipal Information:
Cattle Farm Mato Grosso
- Property type: Farm or Ranch (Fazenda)
- State: Mato Grosso
- Offer type: For Sale
- City: São José do Rio Claro
- Lot size: 1200 ha
- Property ID: 20107
- ID: 20107
- Views: 3460