Warehouse São Paulo with 3.800 sqm floor space, near the Trevo Castelo Branco
The storage/warehouse is situated in Jandira, near Alphaville, about 30 km from São Paulo city and has a total floor space of 3.800 m² (about 41.000 ft²).
Additionally, it is 500 m from Trevo Castelo Branco SP – and 4 km from access to the Rodoanel.
The Area is Strictly Industrial and suited for heavy load. There are more than 300 meters of maneuvering space.
Technical Data:
The height is 15 m.
Floor with capacity of 5 Tons/sqm.
PreFab 2017 / reinforced concrete (
Land area: 5940 m2
Office size: 300 m2 (divided into 02 offices)
Mezzanine for storage: 320 m2
Ceiling height: 13 meters
Factory area: 2750 m2
Location and Google Coordinates:
All documentation ok and current. The sales price is a basis of negotiation. For more detailed information please contact us (floor plans, viability studies and documentation).
We can schedule visits of the property any time.
- Official and Municipal Information about Jandira:
Jandira is a well developed commercial and industrial city in the metropolitan region of São Paulo. There are several commercial hubs in the area and it can be reached by the Rodovia Presidente Castelo Branco.
- Property type: Storage (galpão)
- State: São Paulo
- Offer type: For Sale
- City: São Paulo
- Postal Code and Neighbourhood: 06612-090 Jardim Alvorada
- Property size: 3800 m²
- Lot size: 5940 m²
- Year: 2018
- Property ID: 7395
- ID: 7395
- Views: 1156