+55 11 2286-3150, +55 11 97110-1705 (whatsapp)
Viaduto Nove de Julho 164, 01050-060 Sao Paulo, Brazil

Pousada Paracuru 13 Suites, with 1600 m² lot area and 597 m² constructed area.

Rua Izaura Moreira Lima, 203 - Lagoa, Paracuru - State of Ceará, Brazil


General Description  (descritivo português mediante solicitação) – Pousada Paracuru

This pousada is located in Paracuru, the paradise for kitesurfers in Brazil, about 90 km from Fortaleza. The Pousada is located 700 m from the town center and 900 m from the beach. The plot area is 1600 m², the built-up area is 597 m². The Pousada has 13 suites (6 luxury suites, 7 standard suites, all with air conditioning), reception, restaurant, swimming pool, deck with churrasqueira and pizza oven, garden, parking spaces, laundry.

The municipality of Paracuru  is a small town in Brazil that is part of the state of Ceara. It is situated about 90 kilometers northwest of the capital of this region, from Fortaleza.

It  has about 30,000 inhabitants and is located on the coast, whose beautiful beaches are the destination of numerous tourists who want to spend their holidays here.

The place can look back on just over a century of its existence. So far, its inhabitants had mainly lived on fishing and agriculture, and for several decades, tourism has slowly developed. Now, there are many tourists who come here because of the extensive beaches, where you will find the best conditions for water sports, such as windsurfing and kitesurfing.

This city is a true paradise for tourists who love sports and nature. On the more than 300 square kilometers of space you will find various hotels that are an ideal accommodation on holiday. There are also cabins or bungalows near the sea, apartments, and other options for finding suitable accommodation here on holiday.

The marvelous beaches in Paracuru are almost exclusively beautiful, the Praia o Plata de Paracuru, as well as the Plata da Pedra Redonda, the Playa da Pericorara or the beach Barra do Río Curo are among the most popular beaches in this area.

Coordinates: -3.4148554,-39.0282386

Google Tour: https://www.google.com/maps/place/Hotel+Pousada+Sol+%26+Lua/@-3.4128406,-39.0279495,3a,75y,40h,90t/data=!3m8!1e1!3m6!1sAF1QipNkTQhJJQ3CvOdBOh9zsBUgzlWpbyH5qbjzRxxz!2e10!3e11!6shttps:%2F%2Flh5.googleusercontent.com%2Fp%2FAF1QipNkTQhJJQ3CvOdBOh9zsBUgzlWpbyH5qbjzRxxz%3Dw224-h298-k-no-pi-0-ya73.60001-ro-0-fo100!7i7200!8i3600!4m24!1m11!3m10!1s0x7c11fd40a025efb:0xda07050841aafa4e!2sHotel+Pousada+Sol+%26+Lua!5m2!4m1!1i2!8m2!3d-3.4148554!4d-39.0256637!10e5!16s%2Fg%2F11bxb4cs_8!3m11!1s0x7c11fd40a025efb:0xda07050841aafa4e!5m2!4m1!1i2!8m2!3d-3.4148554!4d-39.0256637!10e5!14m1!1BCgIgARICCAI!16s%2Fg%2F11bxb4cs_8?hl=pt-BR&entry=ttu

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  • ID: 2049
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