Preservation Area with high ecological potential near Curitiba


Preservation Area near Curitiba: 1.694.246 m² of land covered with Araucaria Forest, several springs and streams, and strong ecological relevance.

General Information:

This landplot is located in Quatro Barras, near Curitiba, Brazil, along the country’s busiest highway (BR116).
The property, named “Matão Reserve,” is predominantly covered by native and untouched Araucaria Forest, an endangered species from this portion of “Mata Atlantica” Biome.
The Araucaria Forests form a unique ecosystem that exists only in the southern part of Brazil, predominantly in the state of Paraná. During most of the nineteenth century, Araucaria Forests were intensively exploited for their high economic value, providing very useful wood and nutritious seeds. However, today, their coverage area has been reduced to a minimal fraction, less than 2%, which places the Araucaria Forests in critical danger of extinction, according to International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN).
Matão Reserve has been selected by SPVS´s “Avoid Deforestation Program” as a potential conservation unit, which offers individual investors and companies the opportunity to minimize their environmental footprint through its adoption as a compensatory instrument for the greenhouse effect from gas emissions.
The proximity of Matão Reserve to several regional conservation parks adds a special relevance to its preservation in order to maintain a natural ecological corridor in the region. The Capivari-Mirim river, which crosses the property, supplies electricity generation to the Capivari Dam. Matão Reserve also holds innumerable springs as well as several streams, enhancing its importance for conservation.
The property originally belonged to a traditional investment group from Paraná state, Banco Bamerindus, and was acquired by the Caiado family in 1985. Over the past four decades, Matão Reserve has been entirely preserved, and since its acquisition, thousands of araucarias have been planted.

The owners of Matão Reserve are looking to hand over the land (as sale or rental) to private investors or companies that have an ecological agenda and intend to implement their projects in an ecologically sustainable manner.

Visits of the property, as well as previous online conferences, are always possible to discuss these modalities.
In case of a sale, the net price orientation is 4.000.000 EUR. In case of a rental option, it would be 20.000 EUR/month.

About Quatro Barras and Surroundings:

Preservation Area Curitiba


  • ID: 30419
  • Views: 453