Farm/Fazenda with 1067 ha in Maranhão



Farm Maranhão: 1067 ha, well developed, cell phone signal and electricity, good access

General Description and Features:

The area is very close to the city of Caxias-Ma, approximately 7 km. It can be accessed from the BR-316, near a Federal Highway Police Station and appr. 2 km of dirt road that can be travelled all year round.

Advantages of the Land:

– Proximity to the city.
– Cell phone signal.
– Electrical network/overall electricity
– AT 13.8 kv network at 2 km or possibility of replacing the existing network within the area, single-phase for three-phase.
– Perennial creek.
– Preserved native vegetation.
– Georeferenced.

A kml file as well as layout plants from the land are available. Further information can be sent on request.

General Observations and Considerations:

  1. This rural property is for sale, not for rental or similar.
  2. It is advised that interested investors visit the property with a subsequent diligence in order to make an informed decision on whether to proceed with the purchase. It is however expected that the prospective client has the necessary financial means to purchase. It is important to note that Brazilian banks or in general financial institutions do not give, under any circumstances, loans or mortgages to foreigners. Also, it is very rare that European or American banks concede loans or mortgages for purchasing real estate in Brazil. It is thus indispensable to have the proper capital in order to effectuate a purchase.
  3. The buyer/investor does not pay any kind of commission to the realtor in Brazil – the commission is strictly the responsability of the seller. However, the buyer is responsible for paying the notary costs as well as the ITBI (Imposto de Transmissão de Bens Imóveis – the property transfer tax) which ranges, depending on the state, between 2 – 3 %.

Farm Maranhão


  • ID: 26673
  • Views: 857