+55 11 2286-3150, +55 11 97110-1705 (whatsapp)
Viaduto Nove de Julho 164, 01050-060 Sao Paulo, Brazil

Spectacular Farm with 5000 ha and Panoramic View of the Chapada Diamantina



Farm Chapada Diamantina: 5000 ha total area, panoramic natural location, completely developed, productive, several water sources

General Description and Features:

For sale is a farm with a total area of 5000 ha, located in the famous Chapada Diamantina, approximately 450 km from Salvador. It is part of the municipality of Iramaia, district of Novo Acre.

  • Fertile land, rich in nutrients and well mineralized, exceptionally suited for cattle, sheep and goat management.
  • Flat and mid-slope areas.
  • Springs, streams that do not dry out with environmental preservation of the banks.
  • Colonion grass is a natural grass in the region.
  • Plenty of native vegetation, some pastures need to be restored
  • Hardwood available for fences, corrals, buildings and installations.
  • Legal reserve and environmental protection areas.
  • Completely fenced, some fences in need of renovation.
  • Good access road. Planned construction of a paved road between Ibicoara/BA and Iramaia/BA, District of Novo Acre (Jiquy), in addition to the road between Barra da Estiva/BA and Iramaia/BA.
  • Access via Iramaia/BA, Barra da Estiva/BA, Contendas do Sincorá/BA and Ibicorara/BA.
  • Farm close to various natural landmarks: Cachoeira do Buracão (Ibicoara/BA), Cachoeira das Andorinhas (Iramaia/ BA, Novo Acre) and Cachoeira da Fumaça (Palmeiras/BA, Vale do Capão).
  • Region with tourism and infrastructure project approved by the federal government.
  • Very promising region that receives high investments from agribusiness and tourism. Several wineries are setting up within a 50km radius, such as the UVVA winery, already in full operation and expanding the project
  • Companies structured to produce various agricultural products such as coffee, potatoes, mangoes, strawberries, etc.
  • Studies in the mining area indicate great potential for ores and precious stones for the region.
  • Region where studies indicate strong potential for renewable energy production.

The documentation is ok, with public deed and regular registration with INCRA. The farm can be expanded with adjacent areas.

A Sworn Translation to German of the matricula/escritura publica is available and can be forwarded for interested parties that are proficient with the German language.

About Iramaia and Surroundings:

The city of Iramaia is 661 meters above sea level. It is located in Chapada Diamantina and is still little explored as a tourist destination in the region. For nature lovers, Iramaia has several natural beauties that delight every visitor.

Iramaia has several segments for tourism such as caves, waterfalls, cave paintings, several trail options, the living culture of Folia do Boi Janeiro and Terno de Reis, the ruins of Estrada Real (created by the Portuguese Crown during the period of Colonial Brazil ), local culture and typical country cuisine. Highlights include the Bom Jesus Cave, Serra do Sincorá, Cachoeira das Andorinhas and Cachoeira da Raposa. Its hotel park has 86 beds.


  • ID: 30422
  • Views: 450