Beach Property with Private Home and Chalets on 1 ha landplot in Santa Catarina



Beach Property Imarui: high grade estate with villa and 3 chalets, 1 ha land, private beach, panoramic location

General Description and Summary:

For sale is a high standard property in Imarui, Santa Catarina, consisting of a main villa/private home + 3 Chalets on a lakeside location with private beach.

The landplot has a total area of approximately 1 ha, facing east with a view to the Ilha dos Pereira. It’s approximately 100 km from Florianópolis via BR-101 with only 3 km of rural road until reaching the property.

On the land there is a private home with  300 m² + one chalet with 30 m² + one chalet with 25 m² + one chalet with 40 m².


– Villa : 3 bedrooms (2nd floor) / 2 baths (one in each floor) / closet / 2 living rooms (first and second floor) / kitchen (first floor) / laundry room / end-by-end porch on the second floor facing the lake.

– Chalet 30 m² – 1 bedroom / 1 bath / kitchen and living area / outdoor deck with jaccuzi

– Chalet 25 m² – two story chalet loft style: 1 bed / 1 bath / kitchen and living area / panoramic view of the lake / outdoor deck with a wooden jaccuzi.

– Chalet 40 m² – two sory chalet loft style: 1 bed / 1 bath / kitchen and living area / outdoor porch with a heated pool integrated facing the lake and panoramic view.

– Lake pier – with dimensions 5m x 2m inside the lake.

All constructions are made on wood and concrete structure. 2 chalets in A-frame stile.

It is currently working as a small resort/”pousada”.

Additional Information about Imarui and Surroundings:

Imarui is located in the Brazilian state of Santa Catarina and was originally colonized by the Azoreans. Traces can still be found both in the architecture and in the festivals and religious manifestations. Fishing is the main source of economy in the municipality, followed by agriculture, where rice, manioc flour and others stand out. The municipality is also investing in rural tourism, with excellent pousadas. It is located at latitude 28º20’29” south and longitude 48º49’12” west, at an altitude of 6 meters. Humid mesothermal climate, with hot summers and an average temperature of 19.5°C. Its population at the 2010 census was 11,672.

We accompany clients during the whole sales process and provide encompassing consulting services.

General Observations:

  1. This real estate is exclusively for sale, not for rental of any kind.
  2. It is reasonable and also recommended that interested buyers perform a visit of the property with a subsequent diligence in order to make an informed decision on whether to proceed with the purchase. It is however expected that the prospective client has the necessary financial means to purchase. It is important to note that Brazilian banks or in general financial institutions do not give, under any circumstances, loans or mortgages to foreigners. Also, it is very rare that European or American banks concede loans or mortgages for purchasing real estate in Brazil. It is thus indispensable to have the proper capital in order to effectuate a purchase.
  3. The buyer/investor does not pay any kind of commission to the realtor in Brazil – the commission is strictly the responsability of the seller. However, the buyer is responsible for paying the notary costs as well as the ITBI (Imposto de Transmissão de Bens Imóveis – the property transfer tax) which ranges, depending on the state, between 2 – 3 %.

  • ID: 25035
  • Views: 1201