Landplot with 1700 ha in the interior of Bahia, suitable for solar and eolic Energy



Landplot Bahia Interior: farm with 1700 ha, suitable for the construction of eolic or solar energy parks

General Description and Details:

The total area of the farm is 2.000 ha, from which 1.700 ha are for sale. It is located in the municipality of Brotas de Macaúbas, in the interior of the Brazilian state of Bahia. It is about 580 km distant from Salvador. The main highways connecting the state capital and the region where the farm is located are the BA-165, BR-242 and BR324.

The fazenda is properly documented and inscribed in the INCRA (Instituto Nacional de Colonização e Reforma Agrária)  n°306.088.003.190-6. The total area destined for energy generation is 530.000 m², with a high annual ilumination capacity. The topography of the land is largely flat.

It is located approximately 50 km from the Brotas de Macaúbas Wind Farm, which is also situated in the same municipality. This wind farm complex started operating in 2012 and is composed of three installations: Macaúbas (35.07 MW), Novo Horizonte (30.06 MW) and Seabra (30.06 MW). The complex has 57 wind turbines, each with a nominal capacity of 1.67 MW, resulting in an installed capacity of 95.2 MW and an annual production of 312.7 GWh. Another important fact is the location of the Verde Vale III photovoltaic plant, in Guanambi-Ba, which is about 220km from Fazenda Santa Marina, and which is subject to the very same climatic characteristics of the central region of Bahia. The Verde Vale III parks, which have an installed capacity of 15 MW of power, were considered the most efficient according to the wind and solar operational ranking, referring to the month of February, with a FC (correction factor) of 30.47 %. As for distribution, Fazenda Santa Marina is 22km distant from a 230kV network that is already in operation and receives production from the Brotas de Macaúbas wind farm. In addition, a 500 kV network, which is in the bidding phase, will be implemented approximately 6 km from the farm and another 230 kV is planned next to this 500 kV one.

Additional information (technical appraisals, certidão de inteiro teor, topographical studies) can be sent on request.

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  • ID: 19495
  • Views: 688